Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Forks trump Chopsticks

You know who are really pretentious people? That person you go to dinner with that shows off by using chopsticks. they never just use them and not say anything to you about. They always have to be like, "Oh you're using a fork. I learned to use chopsticks when I went on a date with a girl who served her mission in China." No once cares! You know what's stupid about chopsticks? The fact that they don't get as much food as a fork does! Why would you go back in time to use a useless utensil? Chopstick users in the U.S. just think they are so much better than you, well you're not. you're a jabroni and everyone knows it. Keep it to yourself buddy!

1 comment:

  1. Insight. I've been saying this for years. Thanks, Bland Man, for finally putting this into words.
